Dizzy Spangle

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Bold Prints & Bold Colors // Fashion Favorites

Happy Sunday, dearies <3

I hope your day has been amazing so far. Mine has been off to a nice start with sleeping in, catching up on chores and relaxing.

I've been doing a lot of reflection about my life this weekend...the direction I need to take in order to make this year a successful & memorable one, the people I want to surround myself with and if I'm truly really living up to be the woman God wants me to be. I question whether if I'm being the best version of myself and how I can improve everyday to inspire others. I question who I can spend time with to inspire me as well. It's been so refreshing to take time to do these things for myself because I've been craving a change for my life, a bolder change in my life.

I think we forget to remember that our lives have purpose and meaning, that we should be responsible for how we spend it and who we spend it with. I've spent a great deal of the past year simply going with the motions and not spending enough time opening my eyes and living in the moment. I've been praying and seeking wisdom & discernment during this time in my life. I'm so happy to see things slowly come into fruition. I can already see God guiding me in a great direction and creating me to be a bolder and stronger person.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, I just turned this into a faith post lol! Whoops, okay, let's talk fashion now kiddies :)

You guys already know I love a great looking dress that's inexpensive. So today I wanted to feature one of my favorite go-to dresses from Ross

You know when you're shopping at one of these discount stores and you're rummaging through rack after rack? You slightly lose hope and think you may not find anything and then THERE IT IS: Sandwiched in-between two dresses that are three times your size, the perfect dress. You look at the tag and see it's your size. You look at the price and almost squeal with delight at how low the cost is. Yeah, that happened with this dress.

I had a lady come up to me the other day at my work and we got to chatting about fashion and clothes. We swapped thoughts about our favorite things to wear and I mentioned I liked patterns and florals. She responded timidly, saying that she didn't think she could pull off such a look.

Everyone is destined to have their own sense of style, but don't ever be afraid to wear something that's a bit out of your element. Experimenting with different looks is one of the best things about fashion. I've had a lot of times where I didn't know what to wear because I wasn't sure if I could pull it off. Some looks ended up looking great, some looks....not so much. LOL! I've found comfort in knowing that I've tried something versus letting fear get the best of me. 

Since it's still a bit cooler here in Vegas, I matched the dress with a pair of brown tights, my brown saddle zip-up boots from Francesca's, and my Nine West bag that I also got at Ross. :) I also wanted to play up the bold colors in the dress, so I made sure my accessories were bold and colorful as well. I wore these red coral and gold dangle earrings, this chunky colored stretch ring from Forever21, and this beautiful colorful bangle my friends Brandace & Marisa got me when they visited Thailand a few years ago. All these accessories worked wonderfully together to complete the look!

Hope you guys enjoyed this outfit! What did you think of the bold pattern? Do you like rocking patterned outfits or naw? Let me know in the comments below :)

Love love love you guys