Dizzy Spangle

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Links of London: 25th Anniversary Event

Last weekend, I raved about an exquisite jewelry company called Links of London  The company recently celebrated their 25th anniversary and released their new collection, Timeless. In honor of the special occasion, the boutique was holding a 25% off sale on every item in the store. I was able to help celebrate the momentous occasion by inviting a few of my friends to shop. Check out the pics below to see photos of the fantastic event and glamorous jewelry along with the smiles and fun we had !

Also, I'm proud to announce that I am an owner of the most darling Friendship bracelet from Links of London! This gorgeous piece is gold (which all know I love) and it has a dark crimson colored cord that makes it easy to put on or off. I even had my initials engraved on the logo toggle, a free service from the brand :)

 Thank you to Links of London at the Grand Canal shoppes for hosting this great event! It was a blast :) And again, happy 25th anniversary <3

Make sure to check out their website to see more beautifully crafted pieces and to learn more about the brand: http://www.linksoflondon.com/us-en

Also, one of the supervisors, Lauren, has made an Instagram account in support of the store and the company. Follow her at: https://instagram.com/thedailysweetie/

Happy Wednesday, loves ! XO