Water Walker


As I walk into the new year, I feel exhilarated and intimidated all at the same time. I feel exhilarated for the new opportunities and adventures that lay ahead for me, but feel intimidated at the unknown and possible setbacks that are waiting to jump out at me. Looking back on the ups and downs of 2014, there were times where I was one hundred percent faithful that God would see me through my circumstance and times where my faith wavered and couldn't see a way out. I can't help but replay in my mind a particular story in the Bible about Jesus and his disciples. The disciples rode a boat out onto the water when they were wrapped up in the strong winds and waves of the sea. Fearing for their lives, they weren't sure how to get out of the trouble they were in. All of a sudden, they saw a figure coming towards them and thought it was a ghost. However, it was Jesus Christ walking toward them, and He was walking on water. This frightened the disciples even more, so Jesus said, "Don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here!"

One of Jesus' disciples, Peter, replied, "Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you, walking on water." Jesus called out to Peter and told him to come. But as soon as Peter walked on the water and saw the strong wind and waves, he became terrified and began to sink. He cried out for Jesus to save him and Jesus immediately grabbed Peter out of the water. Jesus looked at Peter and said, "You have so little faith. Why did you doubt me?" 

As faithful as I am in God, I can't help but be like Peter and have my moments of doubt. I could be having a financial crisis, worrying about my future, or having relationship trouble. As hard I try to fight to stay above water, I let those situations overwhelm me, causing me to sink down into my worries. It leads me to think that my situations are nowhere near repairable. I start to have moments where I can't see the light and I continue sinking deeper into my troubles. I start to think that maybe God won't show  up in my situation, that He has better things to do than lend me a helping hand and save me.

Have you ever felt that way? Where you know God is there, but you can't see how He can work in your situation? Sometimes, we step into the world and let our problems overwhelm us. We fight hard to have a positive outlook, but thoughts of failure, distress, and lost hope overwhelm us. We begin to sink and lose the ability to let our spirit breathe because we're so focused on our negative situation. Here's the thing we're forgetting in our sinking moments of stress and worry: GOD IS ABOVE EVERYTHING.

As this new year begins, join me in casting away any doubt, fear, anxiety, and worry and replacing them with confidence, strength, courage, and peace. Whatever negative situation that has a hold on you today, let us bind together and cast our burdens on the Lord. Let us stand firm in the belief that He WILL see us through!

Take heart and remember that no matter what you go through, God will be there and show up. All you have to do is stay faithful and believe in Him. Once we do, we can walk confidently onto the water with peaceful minds and hearts, no longer sinking into our worries. We can become water walkers, stepping out into the sea strongly in faith, knowing that no situation is bigger than the love and almighty power of our God.

Happy Monday Xo
