Iris Patrick // Fashion Favorites
My favorite time of the year is here (along with five million other people) and I couldn't be happier.
I don't know if it's the crisp air, the beautiful change of the leaves, or the anticipation of the holidays, but it seems to me that everyone is happier this time of the year. I know for me, it's exciting to dust off my boots, sweaters, jackets and hats.
In all fairness, it's still kind of warm here in Vegas (surprise, surprise). However, it still gives me the opportunity to play around with some fall looks.
Jacket: Just Fab
Glasses: Tom Ford
Whoever said you can't wear white after Labor Day is a bad rule maker, especially since I love this dress too much to ignore.
I usually wear a lot of color or prints, but wearing a monochromatic color scheme of black & white was a fun change. Clean solids are so easy to put together, especially since I've been on the go more than usual lately.
Boots: Ross
FYI, this dress is also a ton of fun to twirl and dance in. Trust me, I've tested this concept out through many experiments.
But in all realness, this is one of the comfiest dresses I own. I would probably sleep in it if that was appropriate. It's just crazy though cause I usually don't like dress that are loose cause they make me look like I have more meat on me than usual (not that I don't appreciate my own jelly lol). It's just that this dress is a refreshing piece to add to my closet. It's a great summer to fall transition piece.
Dress: Iris Patrick
Dress: Iris Patrick
Dress: Iris Patrick
To twirl and dance in your own Iris Patrick creation, check out them out on Etsy. The company is owned by one of the most beautiful & intelligent souls I know here in Vegas, Winnie Shao. Her and her husband Wally are hardworking and awesome people with great talent, so look them up por favor!
Shout-out to photographer extraordinaire, The Fash Class (my beautiful designing friend, Marianne Tanada) Find her on IG and FB too when you get the chance. PS- I've accepted the great gig to be her manager so don't be surprised if she's all I talk about from here on out!
Happy Wednesday